We study bicolored configurations of points in the Euclidean -space that are constrained to remain either inside or outside a fixed Euclidean -subspace, with . We define a higher-codimensional variant of the Swiss-Cheese operad, called the complementarily constrained disks operad , associated to such configurations. The operad is weakly equivalent to the operad of locally constant factorization algebras on the stratified space . We prove that this operad is formal over ℝ.
Formality of a higher-codimensional Swiss-Cheese operad
- Author(s)
- Najib Idrissi.
- Publication
- In: Algebr. Geom. Topol. 22.1 (2022), pp. 55–111
- Online on
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- Accepted on
- Full text
- https://cdn.idrissi.eu/main/research/codim-swiss-cheese.pdf
- DOI:10.2140/agt.2022.22.55
- https://doi.org/10.2140/agt.2022.22.55
- arXiv:1809.07667
- https://arxiv.org/abs/1809.07667
- hal-01878406
- https://hal.science/hal-01878406
- MR4413816
- https://mathscinet.ams.org/mathscinet/article?mr=4413816
- Zbl 07518301
- https://zbMath.org/?q=an:07518301