- Société Mathématique de France and European Mathematical Society.
- (2014–2021) GDR Algebraic Topology and Applications.
- (2021–2023) GDR Homotopy Theory and Applications.
- (2024–2028) Réseau thématique Topologie algébrique et géométrique (RTop).
- (2014–2015) ANR project “Algebraic Homotopy, Operads and Grothendieck–Teichmüller groups” (HOGT) coordinated by Benoit Fresse.
- (2021–2024) ANR project “Higher Algebra, Geometry, and Topology” (HighAGT) coordinated by Bruno Vallette.
- (2022–2027) ANR project “Structure and Homotopy of Configuration Spaces” (SHoCoS), scientific coordinator.
I am a contributor to the development of the project ical-ufr
(see my blog post about it).
From January to June 2019, I co-organized a reading seminar on homological stability and the works of Galatius–Kupers–Randal-Williams with Mario Gonçalves Lamas following an idea of Muriel Livernet.
In 2023–2024, I co-organize a reading seminar on the Cohomology of Torelli groups with Erik Lindell. I took handwritten notes during the talks and made them available here.