Najib Idrissi’s math page


I am a maître de conférences at the mathematics department of Université Paris Cité. I am a member Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu–Paris Rive Gauche (IMJ-PRG) and deputy head of the team-project “Algebraic Geometry & Topology” (TGA).

I am the scientific coordinator of the ANR Young Researcher project “Structure and Homotopy of Configuration Spaces” (SHoCoS).

You can find more information in my CV.

My main mathematical interests are in the fields of operads, as well as in their applications to algebraic topology and homological algebra. I am especially interested in the study of configuration spaces of manifolds, their links to graph complexes, and the invariants they define.

My full last name is “Idrissi-Kaïtouni” and you may find this spelling in some places, e.g., my email address.



See also: arXiv, HAL, MathSciNet, zbMATH, ORCID.

  1. Homotopy Prefactorization Algebras

    Najib Idrissi, Eugene Rabinovich.
    Res. Math. Sci. 11.45 (2024)
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    Full textDOI:10.1007/s40687-024-00456-9arXiv:2304.13011hal-04082483MR4763063Zbl 07875603
  2. Non-formality of Voronov's Swiss-Cheese operads

    Najib Idrissi, Renato Vasconcellos Vieira.
    In: Q. J. Math. 75.1 (2024), pp. 63-95
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    Accepted on .
    Full textDOI:10.1093/qmath/haad041arXiv:2303.16979hal-04053257MR4732946Annex code
  3. Configuration Spaces of Manifolds with Boundary

    Ricardo Campos, Najib Idrissi, Pascal Lambrechts, Thomas Willwacher.
    Astérisque 449 (Soc. Math. Fr.), ISBN: 978-2-85629-990-6
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    Full textDOI:10.24033/ast.1222arXiv:1802.00716hal-01721634Zbl 07882597
  4. Curved Koszul duality of algebras over unital versions of binary operads

    Najib Idrissi.
    J. Pure Appl. Algebra 227.3 (2023)
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    Full textDOI:10.1016/j.jpaa.2022.107208arXiv:1805.01853hal-01786218MR4477956Zbl 07595193
  5. Real Homotopy of Configuration Spaces: Peccot Lecture, Collège de France, March & May 2020

    Najib Idrissi.
    Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2303. Cham: Springer, 2022. 210 pp. ISBN: 978-3-031-04427-4.
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    DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-04428-1hal-03821309MR4461096Zbl 07529469
  6. Boardman–Vogt resolutions and bar/cobar constructions of (co)operadic (co)bimodules

    Ricardo Campos, Julien Ducoulombier, Najib Idrissi.
    In: High. Struct. 5.1, pp. 293–366 (2021), 74 pages.
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    Full textDOI:10.21136/HS.2021.09arXiv:1911.09474hal-01786218MR4367224Zbl 7482172
  7. Formality of a higher-codimensional Swiss-Cheese operad

    Najib Idrissi.
    In: Algebr. Geom. Topol. 22.1 (2022), pp. 55–111
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    Full textDOI:10.2140/agt.2022.22.55arXiv:1809.07667hal-01878406MR4413816Zbl 07518301
  8. Configuration Spaces of Surfaces

    Ricardo Campos, Najib Idrissi, Thomas Willwacher.
    Preprint v2, 50 pages.
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    Full textarXiv:1911.12281hal-02423726
  9. The Lambrechts–Stanley Model of Configuration Spaces

    Najib Idrissi.
    In: Invent. Math. (2019) 216.1, pp. 1–68.
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    Full textDOI:10.1007/s00222-018-0842-9arXiv:1608.08054hal-01438861MR3935037Zbl 07051043
  10. A model for framed configuration spaces of points

    Ricardo Campos, Julien Ducoulombier, Najib Idrissi, Thomas Willwacher.
    Preprint v1, 27 p.
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    Full textarXiv:1807.08319hal-03835341
  11. Swiss-Cheese Operad and Drinfeld Center

    Najib Idrissi.
    In: Israel J. Math. (2017) 221.2, pp. 941–972.
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    Accepted on .
    Full textDOI:10.1007/s11856-017-1579-7arXiv:1507.06844hal-01438863MR3704940Zbl 06808424
  12. Opérades et Structures Commutatives à Homotopie Près

    Najib Idrissi.
    In: Grad. J. Math. (2016) 1.1, pp. 9–17.
    Online on .
    Full texthal-03997161MR3848667Zbl 1497.18028Journal

Teaching for 2024−2025

  1. Algèbre et Analyse Fondamentales II (2024−2025)

    Université Paris Cité. L2 MIASHS (S2). Exercise sessions: 54h.
  2. Analyse élémentaire I (2024−2025)

    Université Paris Cité. L1 Informatique (S1). Exercise sessions: 22.5h. Lectures: 22.5h.
  3. Algèbre effective (2024−2025)

    Université Paris Cité. M1 Mathématiques-Informatique Cryptographie (S1). Lectures: 24h.Notes

Recent talks

  1. Séminaire de topologie @ Université de Lille

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    Title: TBA.Event
  2. Topology seminar @ Università degli studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"

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    Title: TBA.
  3. Séminaire "Des Mathématiques" @ ENS de Paris

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    Title: TBA.Event
  4. Algebra Days in Caen 2024: Algebraic aspects of configuration spaces and moduli spaces (3/3) @ Université de Caen Normandie

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    Title: Operadic structure of configuration spaces (3/3).Event
  5. Algebra Days in Caen 2024: Algebraic aspects of configuration spaces and moduli spaces (2/3) @ Université de Caen Normandie

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    Title: Operadic structure of configuration spaces (2/3).Event

Recent blog posts

  1. arXiv2BibLaTeX: Create a BibLaTeX entry from arXiv

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  2. Fun with DALL-E 2

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  3. ANR Young researcher project “Structure and Homotopy of Configuration Spaces” (SHoCoS) selected!

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  4. “Real Homotopy of Configuration Spaces” is out

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  5. LaTeX shenanigans

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