
Academic year 2023−2024

  1. Algebra Days in Caen 2024: Algebraic aspects of configuration spaces and moduli spaces (3/3) @ Université de Caen Normandie

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    Title: Operadic structure of configuration spaces (3/3).Event
  2. Algebra Days in Caen 2024: Algebraic aspects of configuration spaces and moduli spaces (2/3) @ Université de Caen Normandie

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    Title: Operadic structure of configuration spaces (2/3).Event
  3. Algebra Days in Caen 2024: Algebraic aspects of configuration spaces and moduli spaces (1/3) @ Université de Caen Normandie

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    Title: Operadic structure of configuration spaces (1/3).Event
  4. Workshop Alps 2024 @ Sainte-Foy-Tarentaise

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    Title: Formality and non-formality of the Swiss-Cheese operad.Event
  5. Séminaire Bourbaki du vendredi @ Institut Henri Poincaré

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    Title: Espaces de modules de courbes et construction de classes caractéristiques.Event
  6. Répétition pour le séminaire Bourbaki du vendredi de la semaine suivante @ Université de Caen

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    Title: Espaces de modules de courbes et construction de classes caractéristiques.

Academic year 2022−2023

  1. 2023 CIMPA Research School “Crossroads of geometry, representation theory and higher structures” (2/3) @ Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (Puerto Madryn, Argentina)

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    Title: Configurations spaces, algebraic topology and operads (2/3).EventMain page
  2. 2023 CIMPA Research School “Crossroads of geometry, representation theory and higher structures” (3/3) @ Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (Puerto Madryn, Argentina)

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    Title: Configurations spaces, algebraic topology and operads (3/3).EventMain page
  3. 2023 CIMPA Research School “Crossroads of geometry, representation theory and higher structures” (1/3) @ Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (Puerto Madryn, Argentina)

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    Title: Configurations spaces, algebraic topology and operads (1/3).EventMain page
  4. Topology Seminar @ Purdue University

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    Title: Formality and non-formality of Swiss-Cheese operads and variants.Event

Academic year 2021−2022

  1. Barcelona Conference on Higher Structures @ Universitat de Barcelona, Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

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    Title: Formality and non-formality of Swiss-Cheese operads and variants.EventSlides
  2. Topology Seminar @ Northeastern University

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    Title: Formality and non-formality of Swiss-Cheese operads and variants.EventSlides
  3. Topology Seminar @ Johns Hopkins University

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    Title: Configuration spaces of surfaces.EventSlides
  4. Topology Seminar @ University of Virginia

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    Title: Configuration spaces of surfaces.EventSlides
  5. Raconte moi… @ École Normale Supérieure

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    Title: Raconte-moi les opérades !.Event
  6. Third meeting of the ANR project AlMaRe @ Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu--Paris Rive Gauche (IMJ-PRG) 📶

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    Title: Configuration spaces of surfaces.EventSlides
  7. Opening workshop of the ANR project HighAGT @ Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP)

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    Title: Curved Koszul duality and factorization homology.EventNotes
  8. Colloque 2021 du GDR Topologie Algébrique et Applications @ Université de Strasbourg

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    Title: (Non-)formality of Swiss-Cheese operads and variants.EventSlides

Academic year 2020−2021

  1. Séminaire de l'équipe Topologie Algébrique @ Université Sorbonne Paris Nord

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    Title: Espaces de configuration de surfaces.EventSlides
  2. Viva Talbot! @ MIT 📶

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    Title: Little disks operads and configuration spaces.EventSlides
  3. Algebra and Topology Seminar @ Københavns Universitet 📶

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    Title: Configuration Spaces of Surfaces.EventSlides
  4. Topology and Geometry seminar @ University of Haifa 📶

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    Title: Configuration Spaces of Surfaces.EventSlides
  5. Topology Seminar @ MIT 📶

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    Title: Configuration Spaces of Surfaces.EventSlides
  6. Research Seminar on Algebraic Topology @ Universität Hamburg 📶

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    Title: Configuration spaces of surfaces.EventSlides
  7. Séminaire Algèbre et topologie @ Université de Strasbourg 📶

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    Title: Espaces de configuration de surfaces.EventSlides
  8. Topology Seminar @ Northeastern University 📶

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    Title: Real homotopy of configuration spaces.EventSlides

Academic year 2019−2020

  1. Toric Topology Research Seminar @ Fields Institute 📶

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    Title: Real homotopy of configuration spaces.EventSlides
  2. Málaga & Topology Meeting @ Universidad de Málaga

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    Title: Real homotopy of configuration spaces.Event
  3. Seminar @ Aarhus Universitet

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    Title: Factorization homology and configuration spaces.Event
  4. Opening workshop of the OCHoTop project @ EPFL (Lausanne)

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    Title: Models for configuration spaces of manifolds.EventNotes
  5. Journée Amiénoise de Topologie @ Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens)

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    Title: Homotopie des espaces de configuration.EventNotes

Academic year 2018−2019

  1. Séminaire de topologie algébrique @ Université catholique de Louvain

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    Title: Homologie de factorisation et espaces de configuration.Event
  2. Séminaire de Topologie @ Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche

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    Title: Homologie de factorisation et espaces de configuration.EventNotes
  3. Higher Homotopy Algebras in Topology @ Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (MPIM Bonn)

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    Title: Curved Koszul duality for algebras over unital operads.EventSlides
  4. Higher Structures @ Centre international de rencontres mathématiques (CIRM), Luminy

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    Title: Configuration spaces and operads.EventSlides
  5. Stockholm Topology Seminar @ Stockholm University + Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

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    Title: Configuration spaces and Operads.EventSlides
  6. Geometry & Topology Seminar @ Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu-Paris Rive Gauche

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    Title: Espaces de configuration et Opérades.EventSlides

Academic year 2017−2018

  1. Derived Geometry and Higher Categorical Structures in Geometry and Physics @ Fields Institute (Toronto)

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    Title: Curved Koszul duality and factorization homology.EventSlidesVideo
  2. Departmental colloquium @ University of Regina

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    Title: Configuration Spaces and Graph Complexes.EventSlides
  3. Graph Complexes, Configuration Spaces and Manifold Calculus @ University of British Columbia (Vancouver)

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    Title: Configuration Spaces of Manifolds with Boundary.EventSlides
  4. Séminaire de topologie, géométrie et algèbre @ Université de Nantes

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    Title: Espaces de configuration de variétés compactes.EventSlides
  5. Séminaire Algèbre et topologie @ Université de Strasbourg

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    Title: Espaces de configuration de variétés compactes.EventSlides
  6. Séminaire de physique mathématique et de topologie algébrique @ Université d'Angers

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    Title: Espaces de configuration de variétés compactes.EventSlides
  7. Doctoral thesis defense @ Université de Lille

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    Title: Operadic Formality and Homotopy of Configuration Spaces.SlidesThesis
  8. Homotopie en Géométrie Algébrique @ Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse)

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    Title: Espaces de configuration de variétés compactes.EventSlides
  9. Séminaire de Géométrie des Espaces Singuliers (4/4) @ Université de Lille

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    Title: Introduction à la théorie de l'homotopie rationnelle.Event
  10. Séminaire Itinérant de Catégories @ Université du Littoral-Côte-d'Opale (Calais)

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    Title: L'opérade Swiss-Cheese et le centre de Drinfeld.EventSlides
  11. Séminaire de Géométrie des Espaces Singuliers (3/4) @ Université de Lille

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    Title: L'opérade Swiss-Cheese et le centre de Drinfeld.Event

Academic year 2016−2017

  1. Talks in mathematical physics @ ETH Zürich

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    Title: Configuration Spaces of Compact Manifolds.EventSlides
  2. Young Topologists Meeting 2017 @ Stockholm University & Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

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    Title: The Lambrechts–Stanley Model of Configuration Spaces.EventSlides
  3. Séminaire de Géométrie des espaces singuliers (2/4) @ Université de Lille

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    Title: Le modèle de Lambrechts–Stanley des espaces de configuration.Event
  4. Séminaire de Géométrie des espaces singuliers (1/4) @ Université de Lille

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    Title: La compactification de Fulton–MacPherson des espaces de configuration.Event
  5. Conference for Young researchers in homotopy theory and categorical structures @ Max Planck Institute for Mathematics (MPIM Bonn)

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    Title: The Lambrechts–Stanley Model of Configuration Spaces.EventSlides
  6. Séminaire de topologie algébrique @ Université catholique de Louvain

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    Title: Le modèle de Lambrechts–Stanley des espaces de configuration.Slides
  7. Séminaire de topologie @ Université Paris 13

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    Title: Le modèle de Lambrechts–Stanley des espaces de configuration.EventSlides
  8. Conference in the honour of Saïd Zarati @ Institut des Hautes Études à Tunis (IHET)

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    Title: The Lambrechts–Stanley Model of Configuration Spaces.EventSlides
  9. Colloque 2016 du GDR Topologie Algébrique et Applications @ Université de Picardie Jules Vernes (Amiens)

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    Title: The Lambrechts–Stanley Model of Configuration Spaces.EventSlides
  10. Séminaire de topologie @ Université de Lille

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    Title: Le modèle de Lambrechts–Stanley des espaces de configuration.EventSlides

Academic year 2015−2016

  1. Talks in mathematical physics @ ETH Zürich

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    Title: Swiss-Cheese Operad and Drinfeld Center.EventSlides
  2. Séminaire de Topologie Algébrique @ Université Paris Diderot

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    Title: L'opérade Swiss-Cheese et le centre de Drinfeld.EventSlides
  3. Séminaire des doctorants @ Université de Lille

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    Title: Opérades.EventNotes
  4. Séminaire des doctorants @ Université de Picardie Jules Vernes (Amiens)

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    Title: Opérades.EventNotes
  5. Séminaire de Topologie Algébrique @ Université catholique de Louvain

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    Title: L'opérade Swiss-Cheese et le centre de Drinfeld.Slides
  6. Séminaire de Topologie @ Université de Lille

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    Title: L'opérade Swiss-Cheese et le centre de Drinfeld.EventSlides